
Monday, May 19, 2014

End of Day One of Marine Boot Camp

After our experience on the yellow footprints, we were then instructed to go inside the building that we stood next to, one by one, in a single file line. Here we would take our bag to a specific table and dump out all belongs onto it so that a drill instructor could sift through it and make sure that there was no contraband. We were also instructed to empty our pockets out, including our wallets and everything that was inside. I had very little belongings but the contents in my wallet were things that had some sentimental value to me. It was nothing that was of serious value or anything but it was things that I meant to take out before going off to boot camp. They were things that I had that belonged in a scrapbook from the trips that I took within the last year around the country for school. Most of the items were tickets to places like Alcatraz with dates and on them as well as other locations of interest around southern California area. The drill instructor grabbed all of these and tossed them into the garbage can that was right next to him. Obviously, being smarter than the average there, I didn’t dare to open my mouth but my thoughts were an entire different story.

After everyone had the belongings sifted through, we were then put in another single file line to do another famous step into enlisting in the military, the haircut. Anyone that knows me knows that my hair has never been long, so the process for me was nothing abnormal. Some of the individuals though had hair that extended from reaching to the middle of their backs as well as some having a true Afro. Sadly I did not get to watch them get their haircuts, since we were led to a different line directly after that. For anyone that is not familiar with the initial military haircut, it is shaven down to the scalp to the point that everyone looks alike. After that we were given a list of gear and clothing that we were to pick up from a room full of clothes that were sorted out in the respectful order, so that there was no confusion. After we got everything we needed, we all stripped down out of our ‘civilian’ clothes and put on a green shirt, green shorts, white socks, and New Bound running shoes. Everything that we had brought with us was put into a box, sealed and labeled with our names. We were told we would not be seeing this box until our last few days of boot camp, and they were right. Since everyone had their heads shaved and their green clothes on, everyone officially looked identical. We then got lined up in rows of 15 or so where we got to make our phone call home to let our families know that we arrived safely. When the first group stepped up to the pay phones, they were told they had 45 seconds to make the call and that they better hope someone picked up the phone. After the 45 seconds was up, the phones would shut off. I am glad that my mother picked up the phone so I could hear her voice, because just like everyone else, I had no idea what I had got myself into.

The next step we were escorted down to our squad bay where we would sleep that night. Racks (beds) were all picked at a first come first serve basis. Once everyone was in the bay and got to their racks, a Drill Instructor came in and talked to us about what had happened so far, what was to come, and how to properly present ourselves from here on out. He also instructed us on how to talk to our future Drill Instructors and some basic rules that we needed to know before we got really started on our basic training. After this was all done, we got to wash up in the head (bathroom), and after everyone was done, lights out for the entire bay. That night I could not tell you if I slept well or had a sleepless night but I just remember that it took me a long time to fall asleep. I had a lot to wrap around my head from the past few hours and was in deep thought. I was also pretty worn out from the experience and when I did finally fall asleep, I was out cold.


  1. So what happened on the yellow footprints? Or is that a story for another entry?

    1. It was just the first thing we saw when we got there. Nothing happened other then us standing there for quite a long time, waiting. Basically our first impression, and any first impression you get, you never forget.
